Monthly Archives: March 2016

That R word…

Some say that strife between this or that group of ethnicity or national/popular group identification isn’t racism, because we are all part of the same race, that being the H.S.S. : Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Thinking Homonids).

While this is slightly true, it must be understod that the word “racism” has its roots in the word and concept “race”, which since ancient time has referred to “a people”, ie. any significant group identification (from within or without), and since most people since then of at least something differing skin colour have tended to be of a different ethnic group (and thus likely of a different cultural makeup) that the, “race” has thus extended to referred to “different culture”. (The Romans called themselves “the Toga-clad Race”. Hmmm!).

The 19th and 20th centuries have seen a massive upheaval in the conception of “races”, in form of our understanding of cellular composition and function, upwards through physiological and bodily workings, towards ethnology and anthropology, but even more so a push to even out human differences, be it material shortcomings to inter-cultural depredations. That much is fine; increase knowledge to push back the darkness, reduce sharp differences to ease group tensions.

Considering the scientific and ethnological advances the word “Racism” has thus come to means, in its modern and precise form, an active discrimination and persecution of other ethnicites.

However. While it is traditionally thought that the “right” (on the foolish one-dimensinal Left-Right scale of political identity/allegiance) is solely where racism is found, most actual racists would call themselves “rightists”, if not explicitly so, then state their enemies to be “leftists”. So; they are easily pigeonholed. (Human sapience at its finest, si?).

In that the “right” ostensibly harbours racism, and the “left” likewise ostensibly fights it in its mission to equilibrate the entire world, the concept of racism has been extended:

The extended definition of racism, is one which is morphed into whatever form and fine-grainedness the accuser wants it to be, which means that anyone can become a “racist” at 5 seconds notice. This is particularly used to browbeat Western critics of Islam, or at least any non-liberal+moderate branch/form of Islam, at which 9-tailed-self-and-other floggerds will of course never skip a beat to do. Discrimination of speakers of different languages also tend to fall under this smear. ( I have however only on a bare few occasions seen “racism ” applied to cases of discrimination irt. sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and such. Most leftists and far-leftists are not deranged enough to extende the already distended concept that far, most are perfectly content to use other ‘isms’ to attack and smear their purported opponents. Oh, wait. Those naughty Speciesists.)

So while these parrots have added to the mandatory operational vocabulary these emotionally laden semi-specious-concepts to attack any ideological heretic for being ‘racist’, they have in the process managed to impose such a massive inflation to the word that it has partially become meaningless. It has lost most of its descriptive valus, and become an emotional attack on whomever. Anyone can at all times be publicly flogged for their transgressions of thought. All dissidence will be crushed, any humans, esp. those with somewhat wayward conceptions of the world must learn through degradation and punishment.

So, not only are these leftists and extremist-leftists are not only verbally (and worse) abusing those they hate so, they are especially doing damage to those who could be educated to alter their mindset. If the goal is to enlighten “the human race”, these leftists are the ones that must be flattened.

Oh, and one peculiar thing. Once again, while the leftists are expected to decry national identification (amongst white westerners of course…) and other forms Western tribalism of whatever form, ie. peple flying their ethnicity under banners of varying shapes and colours, did it occur to anyone that these leftists are themselves a tribe, marching under a particular banner* of a Red hue? Is it not perculiar how these wayward beings hate everyone else so, but their own tribal identity and their own incandescent hatred is excepted from examination and censure?

*) I am generalizing. The “Red banner” is in fact a rag-tag collection of brutal, abusive, and madly purist ideologial identities, and they have been on each others throats for decades, if not a century: The Stalinists hate the Trots, the Trots hate the Anarchists, The Anarchists despise the Communists, The old Marxists consider the Marxist-Leninists to be fundamentalists AND the fucking Bernsteinites to be revisionists (in its decidedly negative form), the REAL *ahem* Marxist-Leninists dislike the Marxist-Leninist-(Stalinists) though some concede that Stalin had the right intentions, the Maoists are out back saying “WTF mate?”, the AnarchoCommunists are sitting in their cubbyhole grownling at eveyone else on the battlefield for shaking their heads at them and then running elsewhere, the Hoxhaites are all dead or hiding in a closet somewhere… most Reds are hugging Fidel’s image (and crying that the Imperialists gave Che lead imfusions, all at the same time as their icon is endlessly imprinted on Capitalist-distributed T-shirt in pretty red, Salot Sar-ites (revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist anti-imperialism-nationalism…. damn, this is good stuff.) are also hiding in the closet (I think Noam Chomsky learned from his youthful follies) together with Shining Path-wanderers, most Reds, esp. the Hipsters cheered the revolutionary fervor of Hugo Chavez all while he was enriching himself and his own clan from “his” nation’s (omg, tribal identity! destroy!) oil riches and rich landed estates (State-Capitalism, right?) … now that he’s dead, they still keep his memory revered as a monument to the resistance of American Imperialism. There are even a couple of Juche-ists sprinkled around the world, oh, by the way FUCK JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, the savior of Capitalism! Oh, re. State-Capitalism, since it was shown that all the mass-murdering Communist states were actually State-Capitalist states, most Reds worth their salt HATE THEM AS WELL!

Who said ideology is no fun?