Category Archives: HelpYourself

Beware your monied relations

You’ve heard not to mix business and pleasure.

That much is true – the degree that you are amicably entangled with customers or clients, this is the potential for that relation to backfire on you the day a deal goes sour. Likewise, the burn will increase in proportion to the amount of money of yours in limbo.

This includes lending money to friends – which I consider moving into the business sphere. If friends are in need money, and you trust them enough to make sensible use of them, give them as a gift, with no strings attached. On the other hand, if they end up spending them idiotically, or being mostly or entirely unable to pay it back as agreed, your mutual friendship takes a hit, unless you are a very patient or rich man. (But if you are rich, why aren’t you giving them as a gift to him? And if you are rich, how many of your friends are really that friends and not sugarcoated leeches? That aside…)

A case where this is especially true, is in your relation to your bank. Never, never, never stray beyond formally courteous relations with your bank advisers or liaisons. The day that you miss a payment or are late in remedying an unexpected overdraft, that is the day that they will be on the spot, charging you a fee, often wildly out of proportion to the ‘infraction’.

You may be a millionaire one day, the day later your fortune is wiped out by a stock ‘correction’ (as they call a drop), market crash, or a leveraged bid gone bad, and you end up with more liabilities than assets. The month after that, the bank is ready to repossess* your house and your car.

Whatever happens, they will be tough as nails, they will not be negotiated with unless you can sell yourself into a repayment plan at an atrocious interest rate. Whatever feel-good you thought you had with your bank guy will be gone like dewdrops in the sun. Ooohhh, the burn.

*(as they call a merciless grab… do we call it to repossess if I do wire fraud or grab a Slaystation at the high-profile games store?)

On Revenge, Briefly

Revenge is the inclination you get after having your cheeks bloom with redness and fire, your throat constrict and your hands clench into fists. It is the feeling that resides within after that the abusive tirade toward your person that you’ve received, a response to the beatings you have suffered, to the injustice you have become subject to.

While there is a lot to be said in re. to both injustices and of the justified feeling of revenge, there is brief line for you here:

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury., said Marcus Aurelius.

People feel abused because they have been subjected to abuse. Thus, if you were to abuse others in whichever way, after having yourself been subjected to abuse and belittlement, would make you no better than the asshole that caused pain in you. Not only that, it would create one more viction in a world with too many already. (I could indeed say that such behaviour would perpetuate the cycle of hate and suffering, but that would be a tad too Buddhist of me.).

This in itself will not help overcoming the pain, but it will help seal the door after you once you have healed the wounds that ooze the desire for revenge.

(This does not mean that abuse, assault and destruction should be disregarded, go unpunished and forgotten; of course not. More on that later.)

Why not to smoke

I’m going to be obnoxious to some of you here, but bear with me.

You’ve been told plenty of times before why not to smoke. I’ll summarise it briefly:

  1. Its bad for your health. Yellow teeth and fingers are the least of your concerns. Your immune defense will be weakened,  your skin will lose its both ability to keep foreign bodies out, lose its ability to retain moisture, and thus you will look 10 to 20 years older than you are (which is why its mindboggling that young women choose to smoke at all!). The smoke contains a “tar” of noncombustible or combustion remains that will build up in your lungs.  These are themselves poisonous, but what’s worse is that they contain traces of Polonium, a radioactive element, and as such is a major contributor to lung cancer.
  2. It’s bad for your wallet. Not as much in countries that don’t or barely tax tobacco as in in countries that do (Scandinavia and Western Europe in general).
  3. It weakens your physical condition: You’re going to have a hard time on the running track or at your favorite sport.
  4. You lose your sense of smell and a good deal of your sense of taste (much of the sense of taste of say hot food, is in fact a combination of taste AND smell). You’re robbing yourself of the delicious taste experiences of your favorite foods. You won’t be able to smell the spring flowers. Youre quality of life drops.
  5. It’s harmful to those around you. You can choose not to believe it, but but even low amounts of smoke tobacco fumes put others that inhale it at a risk.  Assuming the wind doesn’t carry tobacco smoke away, the rest of uss can clearly smell it from over 20 metres down the street.
  6. Tobacco companies have known that smoking tobacco was carcinogenic for decades, even a decade before the harm of tobacco use came into the public searchlight. Even as it did, they were continually researching how to make tobacco more addictive. A hooked customer is a loyal customer.
  7. Worst of all, in re. #1, the tobacco companies knew this all along. The Polonium originates from apatite rock that is ground down to use as a Phosphorous fertiliser for the tobacco plants. They didn’t care, despite being well aware of both the problem and a method of removing the radioactive substances from the fertiliser.

In summary: It’s bad for you, its costly, it robs you of your life quality, and you are the BITCH of the tobacco companies that are killing you all while they’re draining your money out of your wallet!

To paraphrase Neo,: “How about that I give you the finger, and you give me my money back?

Some things that are worthless or highly overvalued

Inspired by a recent Quora question, here are some answers others have given and which I will elaborate on, or some things I picked out of my own navel:

>Lawns, clean cars and other hideous wastes of potable water.

Lawns should not be watered – it is healthiest for the lawn to go though the natural cycles of drought, as it also kills off moss and such.

Cars can du fine with being cleaned one a year (after the winter season when i’d useful to get all the road salt washed off of it and the chassis, but apart from that, you only need to keep the windows and windshield clean so you can see where you drive.

It seems to me that dust and dirt on the car actually protects the paintjob from sun and its UV radiation which bleaches the colour!

Yes, potable fresh water is a precious recourse, as the Californians are finding out this year where the entire state is drought-stricken.

>The constant need to be connected 24X7 with people or information media, whether it is through social networking sites, phones, sms or any other media.

You don’t need Facebook or Twitter or other “social media”. Having these social means of interaction is a convenience, but mostly it is a place to hang out because more or less everyone else is there in this day and age. (Think about that whole notion for a while…. because everyone else uses it… for now). Being there once maybe twice a week is sufficient. More than that is a waste of time or outright attention whoring. And yes, there are a LOT of attention whores out there.

>NECKTIES. They are the most worthless human invention. They spread germs and make it easy to kill you via strangulation or syncope. They also make it easy to get you fired since you come to work late. You waste two minutes to choose one from your wardrobe, another two minutes to tie it, and another 5 minutes to redo everything because it does not look perfect. If you are clumsy and spill some coffee on it during breakfast,it will cost you another 5 minutes. And if you have hypertension and cardiac disease and you react violently to the mishap, it can mean the end of you. The risk-to-benefit ratio for me wearing ties is infinite.

True, and made me chuckle. Also consider whether you’d want to work for a boss who insists on you wearing a necktie. (Try showing up for work with a butterfly).

>Clothing from designer labels.

Massively overpriced simply because it is in artificially scarce supply, and because it is given insanely much attention by the aforementioned attention whores, including women and men whose primary mode of judging other humans are by what brands they wear and whether they’re keeping up with the “fashion” (ie. centrally dictated clothing choices).

You can get very good quality plain clothes for a tenthe of the price of “posh” brands. You might even want to try visiting an old-fashioned clothier to have it sown by hand by a tailor – ie. local labor – instead of the posh elite?

>Rat race.
>Reason: Once you’ve realised that there is no end to the rat race, it’ll be too late; you’ll realise you wasted your whole life running about; you didn’t enjoy the only life you have; you didn’t give time to those near and dear to you; you didn’t see the beauty of nature all around; you didn’t give time to discover yourself, and your hobbies.
>You gain nothing and die unhappy.

Very important to consider and accept this.

>Cars as a status symbol.  I drove the same Honda Civic for 11 years until it died.  To me a car is strictly utilitarian, to get from point A to point B.

A good car is useful if youre e.g. a travelling salesman or otherwise spend a lot of time on the road, but…. as a status symbol? Try injecting some meaning into your life instead.


Aye… opinions are like arseholes – everyone has one.

…and you really don’t need to inspect every one of them in detail.

That being said, it’s important to being able to listen to others, but other than that, people should also get used to that they have to qualify their opinions with FACT and RATIONAL METHODOLOGY, isntead of just bitch and whine about X or Y.

>Birthdays are overrated.

Yeah… just say happy birthday, but the stuff with presents and more physical stuff to deal with? Get over it. It spoils you and burdens you and those around you.

>A lot of people seem fixated on beating other people. I find it very tiresome.
>I’d rather be interested and fulfilled by what I do than spend my time obsessing whether I did more of it or did it harder / better / faster / stronger than someone else.

Getting to the bottom of life’s purpose here, aren’t we?

>He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins

Consider this.

…where do you get to collect your prize for winning life?

A few concrete reasons why you shouldn’t commit suicide

Just in case you had those thoughts:

1) Unless you’ve really, *really*, royally fucked up, a desire for death is a result of problems with your brain chemistry, not a problem with you, your being, your actions or your past as such.

2) Suicide is the way out which is guaranteed to make those who care about you feel like shit. Those who don’t care about you or don’t know you, most likely will stay that way. Those who dislike you are most likely to scoff at your death, or even celebrate your offing yourself.

3) Trying to off yourself isn’t easy, and you’re more likely to fuck yourself up badly without actually dying as a result.

Pills overdose? Will most likely make you pass out, and your body will try to puke it up while you’re unconscious, but not enough of them to avoid your system taking up a lot of the drugs, which will be enough to cause lasting organ damage. You’ll wake up smeared in your own puke to a life of needing continuous medical assistance.

Shooting your own head off? Try with a shotgun under the chin, you’re likely to just blow off your lower jaw, making you an interesting spectacle for the ER medics, and besides you’ll have to be on a liquid diet for the rest of your life. But if Robocop could subsit on baby food, so can you.

Shooting yourself with a pistol in the side of your head? You might just sever your optic nerves and take out a single or two specific brain functions, but survive. You’ll be spending your life blind, but telling the kids about how life without vision and a sense of smell is is kind of informative.

Death by cutting? Won’t work, you’ll have second thoughts the moment the blood starts spraying (even if you do it right), so you’ll just manage to repaint your room, and calling the emergency services while desperately trying to hold your arteries clamped down will prove an entertaining experience. On a positive note, you’ll learn how to multi-task, deffo something to put on your CV.

Death by blades, Japanese style? Forget it. Westerners simply don’t have the guts for that shit.

Jumping from a tall building? Not only is it not certain to end it for you, in case you hit a tree, a bush, a parasol, or some poor fellas poodle dog, and you’re not even going to make a nice mushed-tomato *splat* effect, but most of the way down you’ll regret intensely that you stepped off, in other words, brown panties time. Additionally, you will have a lot of broken arms and legs tho, and be in a *lot* of pain while they wheel you off to the ER (with brown panties).

(But judging from underground snuff video footage of parachute jumpers with defective ‘chutes, in case you manage to do it correctly, you’ll make a pretty neat bounce when you hit the ground, because your body behaves elastically, which is kind of cool, especially if you’re a science geek.)

High-speed motorway solo accident? Same as the building thing. You might not die, just break a lot of shit, or be fortunate to hit a bush, but you’ll have wrecked your car or your parents car. Why do that to the car? What did the car ever do to you to deserve it?!

(Again, from a physics perspective, being ejected through the windshield of a car at 100 mph is interesting and illustrative for your understanding of inertia and conservation of energy. Take notes during the process.)

Hanging? Dude, it takes an expert to do hangings properly. The hangmen of old weren’t just sadists wearing black hoods, they knew their trade *intimately* so that they could do it properly, and not just fuck up their… customers. A hanging done improperly will only break your neck and leave you hanging in the loop for twenty minutes while tearing at the noose, while slowly chocking. If thats your idea of comfort…

Drowning? Nearly impossible, and Uncle Chuck won’t let it happen to those who want it anyway.

Death by fire? A surprisingly slow process, and *very* uncomfortable, but those who clean up your place of departure will appreciate the smell of bacon.

Death by Facebook? Hey, it has pictures of cats.

4) Because dark, aburdist humor is a rare art, and you just haven’t explored it enough.

Some advice for smokers from Mr Duck of thepiratebay

Since Western countries, with the US as its special and disgraceful primary example, seem to be treating people who smoke certain plant materials, extraordinarily harsh and uncivilized, I’m seeing it fit to share some tips on how not to get busted by police for tending to your habit or way of life. So, cortesy of Mr_Duck on, here are the advice you should heed:

“as a dude who has learned the hard way what doesn’t work, i have a few tips. if i don’t help SOMEBODY out there then i’ve gone to jail for nothing, so please, use my misfortune to your advantage:

– If you find yourself in a sticky situation with a cop, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING, save “I’d like to remain silent”. You have the right to remain silent and in almost every case it will work out better for you if you exercise it. You will be pressured, you will be scared and you will be nervous. Don’t. Say. Anything.

– If you’re facing charges, always, always, always get a damn lawyer. Do research and pick one experienced in the said county. Don’t hire your dads lawyer buddy that has never dealt with the prosecutor and courts of the county you’re in trouble with. Yes, they’ll be happy to take your money, and no, they won’t have the connections and familiarity to do as good of a job. Lawyers are animals.

– If you know a cop doesn’t have reasonable cause(smells, visible drugs, any obvious illegal activity) to search your vehicle, make it clear that you do not consent to a search. Cite that you’d just rather not be using your time for this or that you have somewhere to be or something. Don’t be a legal dick like the law students on youtube. Saying things like ‘sir’, being polite and even making some lighthearted jokes(if you aren’t too nervous) makes you look like you have nothing to be afraid of because you aren’t breaking any laws. Unless of course you really aren’t breaking any laws, go to town in that case.

– God dammit do not fucking smoke and drive. You are asking for it if you do. Smoke BEFORE you drive. If you’re on a long trip, make edibles or take a break at a park or something. If you are stupid enough to, however
a. Only carry what you can eat. If you’re going to smoke in a car, don’t bring your entire half o, bring a joint or two.
b. Save your pieces for home use. Joints rule, because it’s pretty hard to eat a pipe. Use rolling tips(a rolled up piece of cardboard) on the end of the joint/blunt that way you can throw it out after you’re done with it or eat if in an emergency and not even waste bud. Protip: they also hit 100000% better.
c. Every vehicle has great hiding spots, and taking the time to learn them can have a serious positive effect on your future. Door paneling, vents, any crack you can throw stuff in, even if it’s a bitch to get out later is very much worth not getting charges.
d. It’s actually safer to smoke and drive during the day when there are a ton of cars around, because a riced out civic banging 2 16’s looks way more suspicious at 3 am.

– If you’re carrying a sack put it in the fusebox under your hood or underneath the battery. Don’t use the gas lid to hide things in because a K9 will smell right through that.

– If a cop is following you, hell if a cop is 200 feet from you in a different lane, pull off into a gas station/subdivision/anything/even a house. Make it look like you’ve reached your destination.

– If you’re carrying ounces/pounds/anything that won’t fit in the fusebox, you’ll want to use a plastic vacuum wrap machine for storing food like four times over on each half o. Store these in door panels or even taped to the underneath of your car, but in a position that nobody would notice even if they got underneath your car.(On top of panels, etc, each car is different)

– A locked trunk will still get searched and even a locked glovebox. These are stupid as hell hiding places if you can even call them that.

-Buy a can of Ozium from the auto section of walmart. Two or three 1 sec sprays every 5 minutes for 20 minutes will have any smells(real useful for you disgusting cig smokers out there) totally gone.

– It’s kind of a buzzkill, but if you’re with multiple people carrying paraphernelia/personal bud/etc designate who is going to take the fall for what. If 4 dudes in the car all have weed, you could either all get charged with the same possession charge or just one of you. Maybe take turns, whoever has the least charges, whoever is still a minor(looser laws) etc. There’s no point in everyo”