Category Archives: WorldsNextOldestProfession

Political retirement age

Both Biden and Trump should be summarily dismissed from office on age infirmity grounds.

Retirement age ought to apply as much to politicians as to workingmen, moreso in fact; as soon as you turn 70 years of age, you should automatically be barred from office, except lesser advisory positions.

Political office today is an extremely demanding post, which you need to be a nearly supremely capable, energetic and mentally focused individual to hold in a way that respects the needs and interests of an electorate that puts its trust in you.

Oh, America!

So… you guys have that prez race going on at what nears a crescendo, having had to listen to the above-the-usual political racket for over a year.

What can be said on that whole affair? What HAS been said? Lots. Oodles. Far more than a single Library of Congress can encompass. More than the Bush elections and drama ever elicited. Lots. Whatever.

My summary for now is that Trump is a self-made stand-up comedian, and Hilary is the best president you can buy for money.

People with a flair for the cringey, embarassing and scary (think Plan 9 From Outer Space, only in colour) should hoard popcorn the way preppers hoard bullets. More to come.